Empowering Silk Collages by Billie Zangewa: Celebrating Female Strength

(Nazmiyal Antique Rugs. 2020)

Billie Zangewa, a textile artist born in Malawi, brings her unique voice to her artwork. Having grown up in Botswana and currently residing in Johannesburg, South Africa, she creates remarkable art pieces using silk collage. With meticulous attention to detail, Zangewa employs hundreds of tiny hand stitches to adhere the fabric together, resulting in magnificent works. Her creative process takes place at her kitchen table in the comfort of her home.

(An Angel at My Bedside, 2020)

Zangewa embraces the concept of imperfection in her art by intentionally leaving frayed edges on the silk. This choice symbolizes the beauty that can be found in imperfections, a concept that also extends to her body-acceptance message. She often portrays herself in her pieces, placing a strong emphasis on the representation of black women in moments of security and repose.

(In My Solitude, 2018)

Living in Johannesburg, Zangewa encountered a patriarchal society that seemed to exert ownership over black women. This concern for her personal safety was ever-present in her mind. As an artist, she finds it essential to transform certain aspects of herself through her work. In an interview with Hirshhorn curator Anne Reeve, Zangewa shared the questions she posed to herself, which ultimately influenced her artistic direction.

Am I safe?

               How can I empower myself without hating men. Without hating all men?

               How do I comfort myself? How can I show that I am the center of my narrative; that I am the 

owner of my story; That I have some control of my body image and experience?

               How do I express my need for safety?

               How do I rise above constant objectification?

               How do I show other women that they can tap into their feminine power to find safety?

               How can I resist in a way that’s not aggressive?   

Zangewa’s interpretation of feminism is characterized by a refreshing calmness and lack of antagonism. Her expression of feminism solely focuses on female strength and contentment, devoid of any direct response to male actions. This unique perspective challenges the traditional notions associated with feminism. However, the idea that the depiction of a woman who is content and relaxed is seen as unique or delightful subject matter becomes personally painful, as it serves as a clear reminder of the ongoing need for feminism.

(A Vivid Imagination, 2021)

As a creator, I find inspiration in Zangewa’s ability to utilize her art as a means of personal transformation. It demonstrates how artistic expression can aid in navigating life’s inner and outer struggles. This realization instills a sense of hope within me, as I recognize the power of finding my own voice and using it to process emotions.

Zangewa’s work also evokes a feeling of empowerment, offering the possibility of creating a world in which I feel stronger. It grants a sense of control over one’s own life, emphasizing the ability to shape a safe and secure existence. Personally, I am deeply moved by the portrayal of her women as solitary figures, exhibiting strength and resilience. In a time when feelings of loneliness weigh heavily on me, Zangewa’s depictions become aspirational, reminding me that within myself I have everything that I need.


Billie Zangewa intervew with Anne Reeve for the Hirshhorn Museum :

BBC World Service Podcast – In the Studio :

ArtFacts. (2020). An Angel at My Bedside | Artwork | ArtFacts. ArtFacts. https://artfacts.net/artwork/an-angel-at-my-bedside/51817

BBC World Service – In the Studio, Billie Zangewa: Silk, stitches and feminism. (2021, November 16). BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct1tdx

Burkhalter, N. (2021, August 30). Artist Talk: Billie Zangewa – New York Academy of Art. New York Academy of Art. https://nyaa.edu/artist-talk-billie-zangewa/

Hirshhorn. (2022, October 12). Artist Billie Zangewa: On Art and Everyday Feminism [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWKOHrVRKQk

Rugs, N. A., & Schwartz, O. (2020, August 31). Inspired Textile Art of Billie Zangewa. Nazmiyal Antique Rugs. https://nazmiyalantiquerugs.com/blog/billie-zangewa-textile-artist/

Wallis, S. (2021, May 4). Billie Zangewa Makes Art Where the Light is Best. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/04/arts/design/billie-zangewa-tapestries.html

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Hi, I’m Paula. Thanks for coming to see my blog! In 2020 I decided to pursue a long ignored desire to study Fashion Design. This blog is where you will find what I'm currently working on at school. Though, sometimes it might just be my sewing adventures. xxx

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A beginner sewist determined to sew her own wardrobe. xxx

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